I have been sharing my Monthly Art plans with you all for quite a while, but I have never explained WHY I love daily art. It’s not just to make my OT love me (though it doesn’t hurt!) Check out these 3 reasons I absolutely LOVE daily art!
I incorporate art projects that require some sort of cutting, lacing, or other fine motor activity everyday. It’s important for students to get hand strengthening exercises in DAILY. It doesn’t do them any good to work on skills with the OT then to forget about them for a week until the OT returns. My OT actually pushes in during our Art lessons and helps provide support and suggestions for students. And she’ll even provide support for students that aren’t hers! It’s a win/win for all my students!
Art projects are full of sequencing skills. I can’t attach 2 pieces before I put glue on my project. I work with my students on following directions based on where they are. For students following imitation directions, I will model putting glue on and cue “do this”. For students who can follow 1 step directions I give cues like “Put glue here”. I continue this with students who can follow 2 and 3 step directions too!
Our students THRIVE on routines. It helps organize their day. By incorporating Art as a daily morning center, my students are able to alleviate anxiety and engage in routines. Our art lesson itself is a routine. Last year, a student came to the center and the one day we didn’t have a cutting project he grabbed scissors before he even sat down. That guy knew our routine! Love it!
Are you ready to start daily art time in your classroom? Check out my September Art plans! Click the image to download a PDF where you can click the pictures to go to the original source (and often find printable templates!)
What are you making this month?
Love it when the OT can push in to art groups! It has been helpful to have her there for kids and paras. The OT was able to give the paras tips on how to better cue or modify for students. Double win!
I arranged my newest schedule so Art and Writing are in the same center block so my OT is there for those groups and can push in and help the paras (and myself). It'll kick off this week (if I can remember to email her) and I'm excited!
How much time does your art center usually take for your kids?