If your caseload is anything like mine, you have students in and out of your room all day. I have students who mainstream for portions of the day, but spend the majority of the day in my classroom. Having my students follow 2 different behavior systems just doesn’t work in my classroom.
Sarah from The Eager Teacher posted about her behavior system and I knew it would be a great fit for my student. It absolutely is when we are in the classroom. Unfortunately, I have run into problems with implementing it outside of the classroom. I don’t want my staff taking the iPad all around campus to award points. There are too many chances it could go missing and there are seriously some curious students when we are out at recess.
I needed a way to make this system work for my students all day long, and being out and about with our typical peers is super important to me, so I came up with the idea of making a portable points system. This system has been amazing in our program. When students leave the classroom, they take their portable points (they are slipped into a page protector) with them and my staff is able to tally up points for students while they are out on the playground or in the general education classroom. When they return to the classroom, I am able to add in all the points they earned while out and about on campus. I also added our classroom rules so staff could have easy reminders for students as they work and play with their peers. I feel a lot more comfortable if a paper and clipboard go missing rather than an iPad!
Check out how amazing these portable points pages turned out! We just tally up green and red points while we are out to recess and when we return to the classroom we enter them into our Class Dojo points. It is perfect!
If you can use this portable point collection system, head to my TPT store and download it for FREE!
This behavior system has seriously been working wonders with my students who leave for mainstream. We even take it to lunch and recess.