I am Erin, or Miss H as known in my classroom. I have taught Special Education since 2010. I work in a teeny tiny district with amazing students. I love spending time with them and researching Evidence Based Practices for Autism. What I really love is sharing how I implement those practices with all of you! It has become a huge passion of mine!
I started my career in a self-contained classroom that was designed for students with Autism. 10 years later, I’m making the change into inclusion support. I’m looking forward to working with students in the general education classroom and supporting them.
This is my story as a teacher in a nutshell. I am so happy to be doing what I am. I love my job, my students, and most importantly my colleagues. They really help me a lot!
I am a fierce dog mom with 2 of the cutest pups I ever did see. Mitzi was given to me by a student during my second year of teaching and we added Morty to our furry family in the summer of 2018. He was a 9 year old dog at the shelter and we knew we could give him the love he deserves. They are my avid snuggle buddies and they love to curl up on top and under a blanket while I read or create content to share on the blog.
I also am an avid reader, explorer/wanderer, and connoisseur of all things fun! I am the first person to hop into a new experience and enjoy every second of it. When I have free time, I love to spend it with my family. We are blessed to live in Northern California and can take super quick trips to Napa! We love wine tasting and trying to be foodies!