Drafting goals math IEPs doesn’t have to be a difficult task. I love drafting math goals for my students that are aligned to standards. One common misconception is that students will meet grade level standards through their IEP goals. This isn’t necessarily the case. Oftentimes, we are helping students make progress towards state standards when we draft IEP goals for them. In this post, I have compiled 4 math goals to align to the Kindergarten Numbers in Base Ten standard. Building the skills in the numbers in base ten standards is an important step in building number sense skills. These numbers in base ten goal move students from basic base ten skills to more complex skills. Want to use some goals to target base ten skills in your classroom? Keep reading!
There is one standard for Kindergarten Numbers in Base Ten. The standard states that students will work with numbers 11-19 to compose and decompose numbers. I’ve drafted goals that will help your students make progress towards those goals. As a special surprise each goal has some activities you can use with your students to monitor their progress.
Ready to check out the goals? Keep reading.

1. Composing and Decomposing Numbers
Goal 1
IEP GOAL: By (date), when presented with a units cube and a ten block and asked to “Show me (unit/tens), (STUDENT) will identify the correct item with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by teacher charted data.
Aligns to: K.NBT.1
I have used this goal with many students in the past. It allows students to get an understanding of base ten manipulatives. As we continue to use these in future lessons and activities, students will have an understanding of what is a ten and what is a unit.
Here are some resources you can use to progress monitor this goal:
Goal 2
IEP GOAL: By (date), when given a 10 stick and cued “Build (number)”, (STUDENT) will build numbers 11-19 by adding the appropriate number of units to the 10 stick with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by teacher charted data.
Aligns to: K.NBT.1
This goal is as stepping stone to moving your student to representing numbers in 10s and 1s. By providing the 10s and having them focus on adding the appropriate number of 1s, we’re not only working on learning how to use base 10 blocks, but building our understanding of 1:1 correspondence as well.
Here are some resources you can use to progress monitor this goal:
Goal 3
IEP GOAL: By (date), when given a number from 11-19, (STUDENT) will use base 10 blocks to represent the number with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by teacher charted data.
Aligns to: K.NBT.1
This goal is for students who are ready to work with 10s sticks and units. When we start teaching this skill, I will often provide students with color coding so they can tell the difference between the 10s and 1s. I’ll often write the number in the 10s place in one color and the number in the 1s place a different color. I’ll often have ten blocks that match the colors I chose. Eventually fade out the color coding so they are able to complete this task independently.
Here are some resources you can use to progress monitor this goal:
- Teen Numbers Worksheets and Boom Cards Mini Bundle English & Spanish
- Place Value Tens and Ones Worksheets
Goal 4
IEP GOAL: By (date), when given a number from 11-19 and an addition sentence frame that states 10+__=__, (STUDENT) will complete the addition sentence frame with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by teacher charted data.
Aligns to: K.NBT.1
Once students are getting familiar with composing numbers, I like to work on decomposing numbers. This helps them better understand them as they start working with them. This goal is a stepping stone to using number sense to solve problems in the future.
Here are some resources you can use to progress monitor this goal:
Those are some of my tried and true IEP goals for understanding place value. If you’re looking for more math IEP goals, you can find them here. Do you have base ten goals that you rock in your classroom? Drop them in the comments to share!
What would you like to see goals for in my next post? Let me know in the comments!