You all know how much I like to talk about visuals and evidence based practices and I think it’s clear by now that I hold inclusion near and dear to my heart. I’m here today to share some visual schedule tips for the general education classroom.
As I sat down to write this post, I realized there are so many visual schedules you can implement in the general education classroom that I’m going to break this into 2 posts. Today I’m going to share tips and tricks whole class schedules. Check back in next week to see how I manage using individual schedules in the general education setting!
Most teachers I talk to are shocked when I tell them they’re probably already using a visual schedule in their classroom. Do you have a schedule of activities posted in your classroom? Well then, my friend, you have yourself a visual schedule! These look different in so many classrooms based on student ages and abilities. I snuck around campus (ok, I really asked teachers nicely) and snagged some photographs class schedules. Check out these schedules I already found in our K-6 classrooms on campus:
I love the different kinds of schedules I saw around campus. The ladies at my school are awesome!
The true purpose of a visual schedule is really to inform students of what is coming next. It helps with so many different students that I recommend everyone should use a visual schedule in their classroom. It helps to ease some of our anxious students to know what is expected and what is coming. It even helps some students prepare for their non-preferred tasks. For example, if a student struggles with writing they can visually see that it is happening, but it will end and (hopefully) be followed by a more preferred task.
I’m sure you’ve seen my visual schedule by now, but I’ll share it again. I have each piece on a magnetic white board. When our daily activities change, I simply change out the pieces. Do I do this alone when the students are home? Absolutely not! I make sure to bring attention to my board at our morning meeting and lay out what we will be doing that day and highlighting any changes. I also explain which students have specials that day. It really helps structure our day. Check it out:
Do you use a visual schedule in your classroom? How do you utilize it? Drop me a comment and let me know!
Great post. I like seeing different schedules to get ideas for next year. Thanks!
You're so welcome! I'm a nerd for schedules (and many other things)! Happy to share!