I like to think of my beginning readers in my classroom in about 3 stages. I have my students who are working on letter sounds and phonemic awareness, students working on word reading, and then I have students working on sentence reading. I broke this blog post down into those 3 stages and I’m going to share a couple tasks you can do with your students while they’re working on that stage!
Now, I’m a big fan of seasonal work tasks and use them a lot in my classroom, but what I’m sharing with you today are some work tasks you can use any time in your classroom. Want to mix up the stimulus, you totally could do that to make it season, but I’m just sharing some basic ideas. I’d love to hear about how you’re personalizing and making these tasks seasonal, drop me a comment and let me know!
These would be great for my class. If only I could get my computer at work to print in color, and the laminator in the workroom to not be broken… ::sigh::!
The struggle is so real!